Thankfully, our student-to-instructor ratios are already appropriately small and we’ve had to make minimal changes to keep our students safe!
Below you will find information on COVID-19 as it regards the swimming pool, our new procedures for guests and staff, and some FAQs. Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions or believe more research or resources are needed.
Thank you to all our families for all your support!
Visitor Expectations and Guidelines
We appreciate everyone’s commitment to keeping our students safe and healthy! To continue to do so, we have added a few guidelines to follow when using our facility.
- Please enter through our side door, next to the swim desk.
- Face coverings are optional while in the building.
- All students should come dressed in their swimsuit.
- As always, staff, students, and caregivers are expected to attend only when feeling well. Anyone with a fever or signs of an illness should stay home.
- Hand sanitizer will be available at building entrances, swim desk office, and the swimmers’ waiting room. Hand washing is available in the restrooms.
- Showers are limited to rinsing off before and after lessons only.
COVID-19 and Swimming Pools
The quality of our pool water has always been a priority for us. Following Wake County guidelines, our pool is tested 2 times a day to ensure proper health and cleanliness of the water. Currently, there has been no sign of the virus spreading via pool water. This means the virus cannot live and be passed through the water. However, it does not mean that anything submerged in the water becomes disinfected. For the disinfecting of our equipment and touch surfaces, we use a different solution.
There is no evidence that the virus that causes COVID-19 can be spread to people through the water in pools, hot tubs, spas, or water play areas. Proper operation and maintenance (including disinfection with chlorine and bromine) of these facilities should inactivate the virus in the water.
CDC – Water and COVID-19 FAQs
Using the CDC’s guide for cleaning businesses and the EPA approved list of disinfectants, we will be spraying down touch surfaces and submerging toys. To keep little one safe, we will keep the submerge tanks away from the pool deck and other publically accessible areas.
New Procedures
- More seating options have been added to the patio, retail, and outside spaces.
- Staff that have temperatures or signs of illness are not allowed to work.
- Our staff will be teaching lessons with a clear face shield. This will take some getting used to for the staff and students. What we like about this is that it provides a barrier between the staff and student but still allows the student to see their teacher and their expressions. This is so very important, especially for our little ones, when they are working on water comfort and building trust in the water.
- Our facility has always been deep cleaned at night after lessons, but we will be adding touch spot cleaning throughout the day as lessons rotate. We will also disinfect toys and swim equipment used during the lesson before another student is allowed to use it.

Below you will find some frequently asked questions regarding COVID-19. If you do not see your question answered, please contact us!